Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Pictures of Anna....finally :)

I'm finally posting the pictures of Anna I took forever ago! These aren't all of them, but I haven't had a chance to finish editing the other ones.

I love this one! It's my favorite!


  1. Those are so BEAUTIFUL! I really liked the one in the tree and in the grass....I hope we can find somewhere like that for my pictures...=) That would, fit me=)lol

  2. The top one is my second runner up.
    The one in the tree is so incredibly awesome. Just not enough space to brag about everything you did right here. That one is worth starting a portfolio. Print it to a 5X7 with white border.
    Remember that spot and try to get all your friends(at diff. times of course) up that tree. That would be a great .25 b-day gift:)
