Friday, December 12, 2008

More Kids :)

I was babysitting again and got some pictures :) It was cold and wet outside so I wasn't able to go outside to get pictures. I can't stand taking pictures inside because I get so many shadows! But I thought these turned out ok anyway :)

I love this picture!

I wish I could have gotten the dog in this one...she still looks adorable though!

I was playing around with the coloring on this one.

She loved getting her picture taken!

His eyes are SO blue!

1 comment:

  1. #1 was the best in this group too.
    what a moment! I'm glad you were ready.
    #3 would've been great too, like you said, if you would've gotten the dog.
    The whole moment is just lost w/o the dogs face.
    If you go there again, make sure to reshoot this-it would be worth it.
    Another thing, their house is so lovely, no distracting messy backgrounds.
